Set in a beautiful village at the foot of the North Downs, Brabourne Vineyard is ideally placed to grow the best quality grapes. Pinot Noir and Chardonnay vines were planted in 2014, covering just over two acres in total. This is few enough to tend each vine personally but big enough to be a challenge at times! With a South West facing aspect and heavy clay soil over chalk, the terroir is perfect for producing high quality sparkling whites.

A first harvest of just Pinot Noir in 2017 was followed by a bumper harvest of both Pinot Noir and Chardonnay in 2018. This harvest provided enough grapes for a still Rose, released in 2019, as well as a sparkling White.

Our year is never quiet with pruning taking up much of the winter, the new buds needing tending – and some removing – in May, canopy and weed management through the summer and then the fruit needs protecting from birds and badgers as it ripens through September. In October we pick with the help of local friends and neighbours. Our pickers take pride in selecting only the best and ripest fruit to ensure wine of the highest quality.

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